Tag Archives: #EdCampDet

High School Skype and Twitter Project Request

#EdCampBOS and our collaborative Skype session with #EdCampDet got my wheels spinning. Anything is possible with Skype and Twitter. I’m planning to teach a First Year Seminar for the first time this fall. My seminar, Pleased to Tweet You: Are You a Socially Responsible Digital Citizen will allow freshmen to examine social media and digital citizenship. Here’s the course description:

Schools across the country promise to provide a safe environment for learning, but so many students are afraid and embarrassed to come to school.  In today’s globally diverse and digital world, a bully’s reach goes far beyond the playground.  As more teens use computers, cell phones and other electronic devices they will experience being harassed, threatened and humiliated publicly online at greater rates.  Cyberbullying is the biggest hazard our young people face today and will continue to face in the future as more teens consume and produce digital media.  An interactive multimedia approach to this course will provide students an opportunity to explore the problem and extent of cyberbullying through readings both on and offline.  Using a reflective lens, students will create an action plan to help others navigate the Internet as responsible digital citizens.

I’m looking for a high school teacher or several high school teachers to collaborate and participate in our Saint Joseph College First Year Seminar experience in the fall.  Any takers?


Timing is Everything #EdCampBOS

Timing is everything in life. #EdCampBOS was last weekend.  Two days after the last week of classes and just before the week of finals and commencement.  Not the best timing for me professionally.  I had every reason to take a pass, but I’m so glad I didn’t.  Going to #EdCampBOS last weekend was exactly what I needed at the end of a long semester and academic year.

It was my first EdCamp experience and it was so rewarding.  Teacher educators committed to being agents of change, passionate about social media and 21st century learning and dedicated to being lifelong learners were willing, able and ready to share and learn together.  It was a day of reflection, renewal, growth and hope – the perfect way to end a semester.

I was thrilled to be part of the collaborative Skype session with #EdCampDet with Michael Kaechele @mikekaechele.  Stimulating conversation and fabulous ideas on cross-classroom collaboration were shared.  The highlight for me was when “The Epic Romeo and Juliet” Nicholas Provenzano @thenerdyteacher was part of our session.

A special “Woo Hoo” shout out to Greg Kulowiec @gregkulowiec for sharing his QR Codes session.  My mind was spinning with the endless possibilities.  We appreciate the challenge to figure out how to incorporate them into #EdCampCT on August 18th!

I’m so looking forward to being part of the very first #EdCampCT – what a perfect way to start my academic year!  Hope you’ll start your school year with us too!

